Central: Social Security - Maximizing Benefits Indiv. & Bus. Tax Credits IRS: E3S5R-T-00740-23-I
In Person; 4 Hours Tax (Federal); IRS: E3S5R-T-00740-23-I
Registration & breakfast 7 - 8 a.m., CPE: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Social Security: This program covers Social Security taxes and benefits. Understanding the complex rules and requirements and eligibility issues of Social Security is important when you must answer questions from your clients. As demographics change, this will become a more important part of professional tax practice. Learn the essentials of this program, when benefits are available, spousal eligibility, divorced spousal eligibility, and more. Examine strategies one should employ to maximize benefits and avoid surprising and costly penalties.
Individual Tax Credits: This course provides an overview of the rules for claiming personal tax credits and offers planning tips to assist your practice. The focus of this course in on tax credits for individuals. Many of these credits have been enhanced by recent legislation on a temporary or permanent basis. This course will provide an overview of an array of individual credits and the limitations that apply to them. Due diligence requirements for paid preparers will also be reviewed.
Business Tax Credits: This course provides an overview of the rules for claiming business tax credits and offer planning tips to assist your practice. The focus of this course is on tax credits for businesses. Many of these credits have been enhanced by recent legislation on a temporary or permanent basis. This course will provide an array of business credits and the limitations that apply to them. The discussion categories include employment-related tax credits, green energy-related credits, and other business tax credits. We will discuss the general business credit limitation, as well as minimum tax credits.
For More Information:

Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011
United States 800.270.3352