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How Accountants Can Help Clients Through Real Estate Transactions
How Accountants Can Help Clients Through Real Estate Transactions

Pennsylvanians who invest in real estate, whether for a personal residence, rental property, or investment, need the help of a CPA to navigate the complex tax issues... Continue Reading

Date posted02/8/2024

Scheduling Meetings with Pennsylvania Clients for Tax Season
Scheduling Meetings with Pennsylvania Clients for Tax Season

About a quarter of all taxpayers wait until the last two weeks before Tax Day to begin to prepare their tax returns. This can translate into a tremendous headache for Pennsylvania tax accountants and CPAs. To prevent a sudden rush of clients at the end of tax season, proactively reach out to... Continue Reading

Date posted01/20/2024

Growing a Business? Check with Your Accountant
Growing a Business? Check with Your Accountant

If you are trying to grow your business here in Pennsylvania, your accountant is an invaluable partner. Your experienced, licensed accountant or CPA can assist in a multitude of ways, all of which will put your company on sound financial footing to grow successfully into the future. Continue Reading

Date posted12/29/2023

Complex Tax Issues - How a Pennsylvania Accountant Can Help
Complex Tax Issues - How a Pennsylvania Accountant Can Help

The American tax code is extremely complicated. Many attempts have been made over the years to find a simpler method, but our economy is so large and so complex, that every attempt to simplify seemed to cause hardship for some tax paying group, and additional deductions, exemptions, or tax... Continue Reading

Date posted12/14/2023

Do You Need a CPA or an Accountant?
Do You Need a CPA or an Accountant?

About half of Pennsylvania’s accountants are CPAs, or Certified Public Accountants. CPA is a more advanced certification, requiring additional education, examination, and experience. While CPAs can perform any of the accounting functions that an accountant can perform, there are certain services tha Continue Reading

Date posted11/28/2023

Cybersecurity and Data Protection
Cybersecurity and Data Protection

Accountants in PA and throughout the United States are often targeted by hackers for the sensitive client data they possess. Data protection and cybersecurity are not optional. A data breach can not only harm your clients, it can harm your reputation and cost you financially through lawsuits, loss... Continue Reading

Date posted11/12/2023

AI in Accounting
AI in Accounting

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being explored for the ways it can support accountants and CPAs in providing services for their clients. However, AI is also being used by individuals and businesses, who might then mistakenly think they don’t need an accountant. Pennsylvania’s financial professionals Continue Reading

Date posted10/20/2023

Digitally Sending Information to the IRS
Digitally Sending Information to the IRS

Tax accountants who prepare federal tax returns have been required since 2010 to submit most returns electronically, including those completed for individuals, trusts, and estates. At PSTAP, we encourage PA accountants, CPAs, and tax preparers to use all the online opportunities the IRS offers in... Continue Reading

Date posted09/7/2023

Taxes for High-Income Investors
Taxes for High-Income Investors

While individuals with high incomes can be found throughout PA, tax accountants practicing around Pennsylvania’s major cities—Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Harrisburg—are likely to have some high-income clients. These regions, especially in the southeast, have per-capita incomes... Continue Reading

Date posted08/11/2023

Elder Care, Estate Planning, and Your Accounting Practice
Elder Care, Estate Planning, and Your Accounting Practice

Pennsylvania has one of the oldest populations among the states; as of 2020, PA ranked number 9 in the nation, with 19.1% of its population over 65. Given these statistics, it is important for every CPA or accountant in Pennsylvania to be familiar with key issues regarding elder care and estate... Continue Reading

Date posted07/15/2023

Help Small Business Owners Know Their Key Accounting Numbers
Help Small Business Owners Know Their Key Accounting Numbers

Pennsylvania is friendly to small businesses and entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs need accountants to help them navigate their financial records and avoid financial mistakes that can doom their companies. As an accounting, tax, and financial expert, you are in the position to educate your... Continue Reading

Date posted06/20/2023

Become an Expert Accountant for a Niche
Become an Expert Accountant for a Niche

As an accountant in Pennsylvania, you have expertise that most people do not have. Your knowledge of finances, taxes, financial reports, and federal and Pennsylvania tax law makes you a critically important partner for your clients’ financial success, whether they are businesses or... Continue Reading

Date posted05/24/2023