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Tax Issues When a Spouse Dies
Tax Issues When a Spouse Dies

As a Pennsylvania tax accountant, you are the financial expert to whom your clients turn in times of need, including at the death of a spouse. When one of your married clients dies, the surviving spouse will have to deal with changes in both federal and PA taxes that will be difficult to face... Continue Reading

Date posted05/15/2023

Making Sense of IRS Forms and Terms: "Alphabet Soup"
Making Sense of IRS Forms and Terms: "Alphabet Soup"

As an accountant here in PA, you probably receive many questions from clients about IRS forms. IRS forms and designations can be confusing to your clients. Give them a quick review so they understand what the different forms or terms mean. Common tax forms 1040: The 1040 is the most typical... Continue Reading

Date posted04/3/2023

PA Accountants: Keep Your Documents Safe
PA Accountants: Keep Your Documents Safe

In the age of identity theft and computer hacking, your clients need the peace of mind that you will keep their sensitive information safe. You also need security policies and procedures in place in order to ensure that you are in compliance with the many state and federal laws, such as... Continue Reading

Date posted03/15/2023